Downtown Streetscape Improvement Project

With a goal of supporting an aesthetically consistent, ADA-compliant, pedestrian-friendly downtown, the Village is launching the first phase of Downtown Streetscape Improvements with the support of a Community Development Block Grant administered by Westchester County and design assistance from the Westchester County Planning Department. 

Sidewalks on Franklin Street, Washington Street, Wildey Street and Wood Court will be replaced in 2022, with a target launch for the project at the end of August.

As part of the sidewalk installation, 14 street trees will be planted, 9 of which will be in locations where trees were not planted previously. 7 trees will be removed. New pedestrian drop curbs will be added in multiple locations, and two new bike racks will be installed.

Drawings for Downtown Streetscape Improvements including tree addition and removal information

Bid Specs for Downtown Streetscape Improvements

Bid Addendum for Downtown Streetscape Improvements

Drawings for Downtown Streetscape Improvements

Presentation - March 2022 - Community Forum - Downtown Streetscape Improvements

Resident Feedback Form - Downtown Streetscape Improvements