
If coyotes are in sight and are acting in anyway dangerous, aggressive, or with a lack of fear or appear that they may be sick, residents are asked to contact the Tarrytown Police Department. Below are a few safety tips for Coyotes.

People should act in ways that will discourage coyotes from being attracted to their yards and property

  • Be aggressive
  • Be loud
  •  Act in a manner to scare away coyotes when they are seen
  •  Contain garbage in tightly enclosed and secured garbage cans and containers
  •  Do not feed birds (the birds are a food source for coyotes; feeding them concentrates them in one area)
  •  Do not feed household pets outdoors. Both the food and the pets attract the coyotes
  •  Keep small children and pets under control and supervision, etc.
  •  Residents are advised that by law they must have their dogs and cats immunized with proofs of immunization handy. Otherwise if the animals have physical contact and/or fight with a coyote, it is possible animals could be required by the Health Department to be quarantined and/or possibly euthanized.